Corporate Secretary

The Corporate Secretary is directly responsible to the Board of Directors and is appointed and dismissed based on the Board's decision. The Corporate Secretary takes a strategic role in establishing and maintaining harmonious relationships between the Company, capital market authorities, capital market participants, investors, and the general public. The Corporate Secretary's duty is to ensure efficient communication between the Company and the community, investors, and other stakeholders to ensure that it is conducted efficiently, effectively, transparently, and comprehensively, while still adhering to ethical standards, Corporate Governance principles, and relevant laws and regulations.

Legal Basis

In compliance with Indonesia Stock Exchange Regulation No. I-A and OJK Regulation No. 35/POJK.04/2014, a public company is required to have a corporate secretary function that serves as a liaison between the Company’s organ with the external parties including government and non-government institutions, shareholders, as well as other capital market communities.

Corporate Secretary Charter

The Company has a Corporate Secretary Charter which serves as a guideline of its authorities, duties, and responsibilities. The Corporate Secretary Charter has been approved by the President Director, based on the Board of Directors Decree No. AAID/ CEOCORSEC/8-2018/017 dated 29 August 2018.

 Corporate Secretary Charter

Duties and Responsibilities

The responsibilities of the Corporate Secretary are as follows:

  1. Monitor the Company's compliance with the Company Law and other statutory provisions, the Company's Articles of Association, Financial Services Authority Regulations, and provisions on capital requirements and other regulatory provisions;
  2. Maintain regular communication with capital market supervisory bodies including the Financial Services Authority and Indonesia Stock Exchange on all matters related to governance, corporate actions, and key transactions;
  3. Ensure that shareholders, the media, investors, analysts and the general public obtain regular information on corporate actions, financial position and other important issues.
  4. Convene the General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Directors meetings, and Board of Commissioners meetings as well as document the minutes of such meetings;
  5. Ensure that the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors obtain prompt information on any changes to relevant regulations and comprehend its impact;
  6. Be responsible for implementing an orientation program for the Board of Directors and/or the Board of Commissioners.

Corporate Secretary Main Duties in 2023:

No. Subject Status
1 Arrange minutes of meeting of BOD Meeting, BOC Meeting, and Joint Meeting (BOD & BOC) Monthly
2 Processing IDX fines Completed
3 Draft Annual Report Completed
4 Draft Appointment of the Chairman of AGMS Completed
5 Draft AGMS Scenario Completed
6 Draft POA attend AGMS (PT Fersindo Nusaperkasa & AirAsia Aviation Group Limited, Bersama Jaya Solusi) Completed
7 Draft AGMS Presentation Completed
8 Draft Announcement of the AGMS Completed
9 Draft Invitation of the AGMS Completed
10 Draft cover letter for Q2 Financial report to IDX/OJK Completed
11 Draft Appointment of the Chairman of EGMS Completed
12 Draft EGMS Scenario Completed
13 Draft POA attend EGMS (PT Fersindo Nusaperkasa & AirAsia Aviation Group Limited) Completed
14 Draft EGMS Presentation Completed
15 Draft Announcement of the EGMS Completed
16 Draft Invitation of the EGMS Completed
17 Draft cover letter for Q3 Financial report to IDX/OJK Completed
18 Draft Invitation of the Public Expose Completed
19 Draft Resume of Public Expose Completed

Corporate Secretary Activities in 2023

The Corporate Secretary has carried out the following activities in 2023:

  1. Monitored the Company’s compliance with the provisions of laws and regulations applicable in the area of Capital Market and Stock Exchange;
  2. Implemented Good Corporate Governance policies;
  3. Monitored corporate secretarial activities related to the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners;
  4. Established good communication and working relationship with internal, external and business partners & deliver information disclosure to the public and manage the Company’s website;
  5. Acted as a liaison between the Company and the OJK, the Stock Exchange and the public;
  6. Organized the 2023 Extraordinary GMS;
  7. Organized the 2023 Annual GMS;
  8. Organized the Annual Public Expose 2023;
  9. Completed the Guidelines and Charter;
  10. Developed and implemented corporate social responsibility programs;